Albert Osborn, Jr.

Profile Updated: April 12, 2013
Albert Osborn, Jr.
Residing In: Monroe, GA USA
Spouse/Partner: Valerie
Occupation: Retired
Children: David, born 1969; Jacqueline, born 1971; Richard, born 1971; Ginger, born 1974; Daniel, born 1979
Military Service: Army  
Yes! Attending Reunion

3 years w/Moral Rearmament, CA; 3 1/2 years w/US Army, Germany; 5 years working & college, Miami, FL; 25 years Air Trfc Cntrl w/FAA, Miami, FL; 8 years retired, Monroe, GA

For those who served in the Military, please list your service history here.

Basic Trng, 6/66, Ft. Benning, GA; AIT, 9/66, Ft. Dix, NJ; OCS, 12/66, Ft. Sill, OK; Hawk Msl Trng, 6/67, Ft Bliss, TX; Platoon Leader/ Executive Officer Btry A, 517 Arty, 32 AADCOM, 8/67, Giessen, Germany; Operations Officer 517 Arty, 5/69 Giessen, Germany; Muster Out 10/69

What's your favorite memory of HHS

Solving the world's problems with my English teacher, Buster Jones, and Graduation Day

What did you always want to do that you haven't done yet?

Join Mt. Everest expedition from Katmandu, Nepal to staging point at top of Khumbu Glacier (30 day march)

What would we be surprised to know about you?

American history and Christian history are my favorite academic pursuits

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Jul 14, 2019 at 11:53 AM

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